🔺 E X P R E S S Y O U R S E L F 👓
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing.”
- George Bernard Shaw
Play is the very essence of human expression; and through such play we ultimately determine who we are. Alphabet bar was designed to evoke self expression through play - appealing directly to the sense of touch of Revé’s 5 Senses collection.
A bold silhouette crafted with Italian black acetate. The magnetic strip that lines the top ridge of the frame holds the gold-coated alphabets and symbol (A to Z, #); allowing wearers unabridged control over their whims and how they choose to express themselves.
Discover the complete ALPHABET collection online and E-X-P-R-E-S-S--Y-O-U-R-S-E-L-F.